Why do people insist on bringing their screaming children to better restaurants to bother other diners?
Northeast OH Chick
2006-05-12 06:55:36 UTC
These parents obviously have no regard to others who are possibly celebrating a special occassion only to have the dining experience ruined by ignorant parents and their wild offspring.
38 answers:
2006-05-12 06:57:53 UTC
That's the million-dollar question, isn't it?

My friend and I call them "howler monkeys" - hopefully someday parents will learn that the right place to teach your child manners is at home, then at a "family" restaurant (someplace with crayons and a kiddie menu) and THEN, once they pass that test, a fancy place is OK once in a while.

If the kids start misbehaving mid-meal or whatever, I'm sorry, but it's the parents' responsibility to correct the situation. Either ask to be moved to a table where no one will be bothered, or get everything packed to go. Don't punish other diners for your kids' misbehavior. If Mom and Dad want a nice dinner out, leave the kids at home and get a babysitter.

EDIT: Notice how all the parents here are attacking the asker? Classy...
2006-05-16 08:28:21 UTC
I agree with you totally!

I do not know why some parents who answered this thread have done so defensively. If you are a good parent brought up knowing the proper manners, then should you find yourself in a situation wherein your kids cannot be controlled in a fine dining environment, you will know the proper thing to do and take them out so as not to disturb other patrons. Ambience is a large part of the fine dining experience and these patrons certainly did not pick that restaurant to dine in only to suffer your kids' brat attacks.

Secondly, if your sitter bailed out on you at the last minute, then pick somewhere more "family-oriented" to go to and leave the fine dining experience for another time.

I find it highly unfair to attack the asker of the question and tell her not to have kids or that her kids are probably not as behaved as the other answerers' kids are. The question was limited to behavior of kids in a fine dining restaurant and that was clear from the question.

On an end note, it is NEVER the kids' fault for acting like a kid. However, it is the parents' responsibility to ensure that the kid is well behaved depending on the occasion.
2006-05-12 09:18:56 UTC
Some people do not realize that they are bothering other diners at a restaurant. Some realize it and just don't care. It's human nature to either be selfish or ignorant to things like that. There aren't more crying kids at restaurants because a lot of parents know that it is rude. Sometimes a kid can be a great kid 99% of the time, so when the parents plan a night out and go to the restaurant, and the kid is acting up, they just try to enjoy the rest of dinner never to return to another restaurant with that child until they are older.
2006-05-12 06:59:38 UTC
What is your definition of a Better Restaurant? I have two kids and we take them out to eat, but not to nice, linen napkin, crystal glasses, softly lit places. Applebee's, Bob Evans, Cracker Barrel, Fricker's, Ralphies, family places or places that are a little louder are places we will take them. They know if they do not behave, they do not go out to eat again for a long time. It is all in how the parents discipline and handle their kids. Every kid can have a bad day once in a while, and I don't expect mine to behave 100% of the time. But, I do expect other parents to control or correct the situation if it begins to get out of hand. I do not think it is fair to assume that all kids are loud and obnoxious and that this happens every time a parent takes their kids out in public. Do you have kids??? I will bet you that they are not the perfect angels that you expect other kids to be. Maybe the family is celebrating something and the kids are a part of that as well. Maybe you just have a low tolerance for kids and should think about it before you have any of your own. Do you plan on leaving them home with a babysitter every time you want to leave the house? Wow, I feel sorry for them. Kids are wild, active, human beings that don't deserve your criticism because you have a warped sense of how they should behave in public.

I am attacking because the question is one sided ans biased and I feel, as a parent, that I am being attacked. Don't assume I do not know how to parent because my kid may have a bad moment. I take them to the bathroom, find out what is wrong, and deal with it. We have also had many compliments on how well behaved they are. My kids will make a comment as well if they see kids that are acting up. They know how to act, so don't group all of us together.
2016-05-20 04:55:05 UTC
You must not have children, and I feel for you if you ever do. Children will be children, and sometimes parents do not have control, especially with infants. A family night out with the family includes the children, no matter what their age. If you really want a quiet, relaxing dinner, make it at home and enjoy it with that special someone by candlelight, or pick up take-out, go to the park, and listen to the birds. People are always going to bring their children to restaurants, so sit back and smile next time some kid throws a french fry on your plate.
2006-05-12 07:13:05 UTC
because most people are oblivious to anyone but themselves, most of the time, they dont even know you are ther unless you have something they want, etc. Also because they think their little darlings are perfect, despite that their little darling is throwing food, yelling at the top of his lungs, running around the resturant, coming over to your table bothering you, and how could anyone not love them???

I actually had a incident where my boyfriend and I were at a nicer resturant, and this couple had brought their "little darling" and their little darling started whining loudly, and progressed into full blown screaming. they only go the little darling to stop because they let the little darling loose on the resturant. The little darling decided that the area of the dining room that we were sitting in, was a gymnastic training ground. I asked the server to ask them to rein in their child and was told that she was not allowed to do so. So I ask for the manager and was told the same thing to my request. To which I assured the manager that I was not employeed by his establishment, and proceeded to go to the table of the little darlings parents, who by the way were having a peaceful dining experience cause the little darling was elsewhere in the resturant, but i let them know what I thought of their parenting skills, and their lack of consideration for others in the resturant. And as I made my way back to my table I recieved a round of applause from the other diners, the parents finally got the idea and took the little darling and left.
2006-05-15 11:28:44 UTC
I agree. In Chicago there was a lot of controversy because a restaurant put up a sign advising "If your children can not behave, please do not bring them to this restaurant". Everything in America is being shifted to 'family friendly environments'. If you get the conservatives out of power, we can make this country free again.
2006-05-12 07:00:25 UTC
Do you have children? I'm gonna presume you don't, or you wouldn't even ask a question like that. And I pray you never do. Obviously having to look at stuck up ignorant people like you brings out the worst in children in your area.
2006-05-15 10:25:12 UTC
I always wondered the same thing. But to me it seems that a babysitter is not always available, and that they must scoop up their children and bring them with. Some think that their children will behave, only to have them scream and yell. But if its that bad, maybe the resturant owner should tell them to leave....
2006-05-12 07:00:29 UTC
When we go out to dinner with our children, and other kids act up my kids look at me and roll their eyes. It is all how they are raised.

We saw a mom out with two screaming kids, and she was wearing EAR PLUGS!! I swear! So she wouldn't have to listen to her monsters, but the rest of us had to endure it!

I am not saying to spank the kids. Just have respect for others. If your kid is going balistic, take the kid outside, or go home. Other people are paying for their meals and don't want to hear that ruckus going on.

People do not want to take the time to raise the kids properly, and feel that even so they still should be able to take them out and have a good time, at others expenses. It's not right, but this is how it is.
2006-05-16 15:25:07 UTC
I feel you completely.. why do they like the embarassment of the constant stares that should be a place where the husband and wife should go alone.. Get a Sitter for the kids... how can i hear the violin and the harp if your child is screaming..
2006-05-12 07:05:33 UTC
You have to blame the parents for this misbehavior and lack of manners on the kids' part..I have left many a meals on the restaurant tables due to my kids(nieces and nephews) feeling their oats at the wrong time!But I had the descency to take them out of there out of respect for others!Wish others would do the same for me!
Night Wolf
2006-05-12 07:12:52 UTC
You will know the answer to this question when you have a child of your own..

No offense, But imagine - if your child starts screaming in the restaurant - Who is to blame.. the child, your ignorance or WHO??

think for a few minutes and you will get the answer..:)
2006-05-12 06:58:51 UTC
So you think people who have children should not be allowed in public eating establishments? I think you should never have children because obviously we don't ask ours to misbehave to bug you but if you'll tell me where your dining out next I'll be sure to bring the neighbors children with me too.......
2006-05-12 06:58:03 UTC
They must think that there actually do some good by bringing the kids out for some air. Unfortunately, they're making it worst for the folks who are trying to have a QUIET dinner evening.
2006-05-17 21:43:48 UTC
That definately is a good question. When my husband and I go out to dinner which isnt very often, we like to enjoy ourselves. We usually go to Smokey Bones, or Olive Garden. I just hate it when people bring their bad kids into a restaurant when they know there are going to be people there who just want to relax and enjoy themselves. I think if you really have to bring your kids to dinner then you should go to someplace like Mc Donalds, or even Chuch E Cheese, where after all kids can be kids.
2006-05-12 07:00:03 UTC
Because they made a last minute decision to come to the restaurant and can't find a relative or sitter to stay home with the baby.

Or maybe the sitter ditched them for that matter...
2006-05-12 06:57:52 UTC
Because it pisses people like you off. Did you ever think their kids behave 99% of the time. Anyone can have a bad day.
2006-05-12 06:57:54 UTC
Because they think they have just as much right to be there as the next person and have no regard for manners.
2006-05-12 07:41:06 UTC
i have no idea but i hate that too... im a mother of two and when mu hubby and i dine out we do it with out our children so we can have a break and i hate having my break with someone elses kid screaming... it ruins the peaceful mood i looking for.
2006-05-12 07:00:13 UTC
If the parents did their part and paddled their little behinds, you wouldn't have to worry about it. It's the parents job to do what they are supposed to do...PARENT! If the kids get out of hand, take them outside, paddle them, move on.
2006-05-12 06:59:03 UTC
Most likely the parents are idiots

They probably cannot handle their kids so they act like nothing is wrong and bring them anywhere
2006-05-12 07:02:26 UTC
they do not bring them to bother other diners- they are just insensitive to the fact that maybe other diners wanted a nice quiet night out - maybe a romantic dinner.
2006-05-16 10:31:09 UTC
the proper response is to ask the maitre d to ask them to clam up and if not to eject them its policy in fine dining
2006-05-12 07:03:30 UTC
They think their kids are these cute little angels. Everyone likes to see those cute little buggers scream and cry, dont they? NO!


Those little devils!!!

And its the parents' fault too. They're spoiling them...
2006-05-12 07:40:41 UTC
That's what forks are for. If they are going to carry on, give them a real good reason.
2006-05-12 07:00:25 UTC
THEY SHOULD BE BANNED unless they pay the bill!!TAKE THEM TO Mc DONALDS we have to put up with all the mess that their wrappings make. LET THEM PUT UP WITH THE SCREAMING KIDS !
2006-05-12 06:57:34 UTC
Some people are sooooooo crazy
2006-05-12 06:58:30 UTC
They can't help if their children are screaming and it should be the child's fault, not the parents fault!!!!!!!!
2006-05-12 06:58:56 UTC
Because they want to have a nice dinner too!
2006-05-12 06:58:09 UTC
It's a diabolical plot.
2006-05-12 10:02:27 UTC
2006-05-12 07:00:41 UTC
I dunno, maybe next time or if u have children, bring them to the restaurant and make them scream.
2006-05-12 06:58:45 UTC
thats life,
2006-05-12 06:58:30 UTC
i've often wondered this myself.
2006-05-12 06:57:33 UTC
oh, I hate when people do that!
Iron Rider
2006-05-12 06:56:10 UTC
GOOD question!
2006-05-12 06:56:32 UTC
you are funny!

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