What is your definition of a Better Restaurant? I have two kids and we take them out to eat, but not to nice, linen napkin, crystal glasses, softly lit places. Applebee's, Bob Evans, Cracker Barrel, Fricker's, Ralphies, family places or places that are a little louder are places we will take them. They know if they do not behave, they do not go out to eat again for a long time. It is all in how the parents discipline and handle their kids. Every kid can have a bad day once in a while, and I don't expect mine to behave 100% of the time. But, I do expect other parents to control or correct the situation if it begins to get out of hand. I do not think it is fair to assume that all kids are loud and obnoxious and that this happens every time a parent takes their kids out in public. Do you have kids??? I will bet you that they are not the perfect angels that you expect other kids to be. Maybe the family is celebrating something and the kids are a part of that as well. Maybe you just have a low tolerance for kids and should think about it before you have any of your own. Do you plan on leaving them home with a babysitter every time you want to leave the house? Wow, I feel sorry for them. Kids are wild, active, human beings that don't deserve your criticism because you have a warped sense of how they should behave in public.
I am attacking because the question is one sided ans biased and I feel, as a parent, that I am being attacked. Don't assume I do not know how to parent because my kid may have a bad moment. I take them to the bathroom, find out what is wrong, and deal with it. We have also had many compliments on how well behaved they are. My kids will make a comment as well if they see kids that are acting up. They know how to act, so don't group all of us together.